About Us
Baby/ Daycare

Mid Annandale Playcare offer a home from home environment in a purpose built facility and take great pride in helping you give your child the best possible start in life. Babycare welcomes babies from 3 months to 2 years and caters for a maximum of 9 babies at any one time, within the atmosphere of an integrated nursery. The staff child ratios are 1 adult : 3 babies. We have separate areas for sleeping/quiet times and a nappy changing area. Parents are required to bring formula milk, nappies, creams and a change of clothes.

In our Early Learning and Childcare provision, we follow Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. The Curriculum for Excellence helps “children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21st century” (Education Scotland). The curriculum refers to the activities and experiences, planned and unplanned, and offers a broad and balanced approach to the learning opportunities necessary to promote and support children’s learning and development.

Breakfast club operates from 7.30am – 9.00am. Breakfast is available between 7.30am – 8.00am and children have the choice of toast or cereal and this is included in the fees. We provide after school care for Lockerbie and the surrounding area. Children attending Lockerbie Primary are met in the school foyer at 3pm and are accompanied back to MAP by a staff member. Holiday Club operates during holidays and in service days.
Mid Annandale Playcare recognises the importance of quality care and education for young children. We are committed to providing a stimulating and challenging environment which will develop and broaden children’s learning experiences, leaving them confident, eager, and highly motivated to learn more. We also value play as a life-enhancing daily experience for all our children and young people and provide opportunities for children to learn through play. Children have the freedom to choose how and when they play. Play allows children to experience and make sense of their world, to challenge themselves, practise skills and manage their emotions, interact with others, or enjoy time alone.
We value outdoor play as an intrinsic part of the curriculum. We have a natural grass outdoor area with trees (including fruit trees), wildlife and endless opportunities. Outdoor play is a necessary part of our daily routine, and we always encourage a positive attitude to the outdoors to ensure the children have knowledge of the world around them
To achieve high standards, not only do we provide well-resourced and exciting facilities, but we recruit and retain highly trained and motivated staff. Our staff team have a thorough understanding of how experiences impact children and young people’s development and the importance of relationships in shaping later outcomes. Our staff are committed to continuous professional development and are continually attending training courses. All staff have also completed Child Protection, Food Hygiene and First Aid training.